10 Juni 2012

I Won A Give-Away!!

Hi love bugs,

I'm back from Cancun (more in another post) and when I skyped with my parents, they had a little surprise for me. 

I have participated in the Give-Away of dariadaria and I was overjoyed when I received the email from Madeleine that I won. I've never won a giveaway
Since I'm in California these days, I entered with my swiss address. Last week, the Glossybox packet was in the mail and my parents opened it for me when we skyped today. I was pretty excited even if I can't use the products til december 2012 when I'm home again. But actually it's a perfect timing! My hair will look forward to be treated well after the big changes of the weather  they have to go through (sunny California, tropical Florida, cold Switzerland). 

I want to say "Thank you" again to Madeleine and Glossybox.at!

For more information about the products click here.

via dariadaria

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