28 Mai 2012

Memorial Day & Vacation Plans

Hi sweeties,

I didn't expect the weather would be so great this weekend because it was pretty cold on Friday. Since I have no car here in California (to little money for all the insurance stuff ect.), my friends and I just rent one when there's nobody who own a car who wants to join us on our trips. Unfortunately we canceled the trip to Malibu this weekend because of the bad weather forecast. Rough luck! 
But we spent the days with a little shopping spree and beach time in Redondo, which was cool too. I also skyped with my family and my friends. it was so good to see them!

By the way, I told them about my plans for vacation...guess where I'm going?! It's somewhere next to California, there are delicious tacos, mojitos and from June 2nd to June 9th a happy me laying on a beautiful beach with the girls ;)
Any idea?! =)

Happy Memorial Day!

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